Organic Maids House Cleaning Services

Ultra-Healthy, Baby & Pet-Friendly Maid Service, Providing an Unbeatable Clean to Denver

Why choose us?

Organic Cleaning Solutions

We take “green cleaners” to the next level. Our solutions are certified organic.

100% Guaranteed

If you aren’t happy, we will come back and make things perfect.

Elevated Communication

Manage every aspect of your cleaning online. Even call, text, or email us.

Flat Pricing Cleaning Service

No clock-watching going on here. Our house cleaners get the job done.

Cleaning Teams

Teams of up to 5 are available for faster cleaning services.

Secure Pay

Advanced 256bit SSL encrypted payment processing

Our Cleaning Services

Residential Cleaning

Deep Cleaning

Move Out Cleanings

Office Cleanings

Disinfectant Cleaning Service

Thank you for all the feedback over the years

We wouldn’t be considered the best cleaning service without you!

Our Team is Your Top Choice – Here’s Why!

Great Staff

Our cleaning techs train one on one. Additionally, they must pass a series of tests to become certified Organic Cleaning Techs.

Review Each Cleaning

Review your cleaning techs after each service. This ensures that if a mistake is made, we catch it, and it doesn’t happen again.

Insured Cleaning Service

Our company is bonded and insured, and our team has passed criminal background checks.

We strive to bring you confidence in your cleaning company

Organic Maids Cleaning Company

Organic Maids offers professional house cleaning service that uses eco-friendly products and practices. We believe it’s possible to clean your home without damaging the environment, and we’re dedicated to setting high standards in both cleanliness as well as sustainability!

Home Cleaning Service

When it comes to home cleaning services, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each home is unique, and our team of professional house cleaners will work with you to create a custom cleaning plan that meets your specific needs. We understand that your time is valuable, and our goal is to make your home clean and comfortable without taking away from your busy schedule. Whether you need weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly service, we will be there when you need us. Contact us today to learn more about our home cleaning services.

Discounts For Recurring Cleanings

  • 20% Off for Weekly Cleanings
  • 15% Off for Cleanings every 2 weeks
  • 10% Off for Monthly Cleanings

Organic Maids

Trusted Cleaning Service

House Cleaning Services & Solutions

House cleaning services offer several advantages when done professionally. Firstly, it saves you time and effort, as trained cleaners efficiently handle the cleaning tasks. Professional cleaners possess expertise and utilize effective techniques and quality products, ensuring thorough and effective cleaning.

Additionally, professional house cleaning services can improve indoor air quality by eliminating dust, allergens, and pollutants. A clean and organized home promotes a sense of calm and reduces stress. Lastly, regular professional cleaning helps maintain a hygienic environment, reducing the risk of germs and promoting a healthier living space for you and your family.

Live Healthier

Hiring a professional house cleaning company offers numerous health benefits. Trained cleaners have the expertise to deep clean your home, removing dust, allergens, and bacteria that can trigger allergies or respiratory issues. They use effective cleaning products and techniques to sanitize high-touch surfaces, reducing the spread of germs and promoting a healthier environment.

A clean home also helps prevent the growth of mold and mildew, which can contribute to respiratory problems. By entrusting your cleaning needs to a professional house cleaning company, you can enjoy a cleaner and healthier living space, promoting overall well-being for you and your family.

Be More Productive

Home cleaning services play a crucial role in promoting productivity. By delegating the time-consuming and labor-intensive task of cleaning to professionals, individuals can focus on their priorities and utilize their time more efficiently. A clean and organized home provides a conducive environment for productivity, reducing distractions and allowing for better concentration.

With a home cleaning service, individuals can experience a sense of calm and mental clarity, leading to increased motivation and productivity in other areas of their lives. By maintaining a clean living space through home cleaning services, individuals can optimize their time and energy, leading to a more productive and fulfilling lifestyle.